Friday, December 25, 2009


Today I went and saw SHERLOCK HOLMES with a few friends.


19th century London comes to life in all its splendor in this, the most recent adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. The poring rain, and muddied cobble shadowed by the all too recognizable scaffolds erecting the forth coming Tower Bride really set the scene. Everything is believable from the costumes down to the pernicious Victorian tone of the "upper classes". Downey Jr pulls off his version of Holmes including his snippy impatience. Jude comes across as the typical rational Watson with his own style added. The plot was well thought out and the acting including the evil kingpin was done flawlessly. Special effects and artistry were top notch.

This is a very doable film with all the perks to keep your interests.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I heard a statistic today

I heard a statistic today that read: 83% of all statistics are made up on the spot, and 43% of the true statistics are in error.

How can anyone trust a statistic? So 17% of the statistics you hear are based on facts, but 43% of those are still in error.  This suggesting, if you hear 100 statistics a week, 83 were made up, and 17 were based in fact.   Of those 17, roughly half, 43% are in error. Leaving you with 8 that you can somewhat put faith into.   Trouble is, out of the hundred you hear, which 8 should you trust? lol