Monday, March 17, 2008

Poem - war

If I ever go to war, mom, please don’t be afraid,

There are some things I must do, to keep the promises that I made..

I’m sure there will be heartache and you’ll cry many tears,

But your son’s a Marine now, and there is nothing to fear.

If I ever go to war, Dad, I know that you’ll be strong,

But you don’t have to worry, cause you taught me right from wrong;

You kept me firmly on the ground, yet still taught me how to fly.

Your son’s a Marine now, Dad; I love you, Semper Fi!

If I ever go to war, Brother, there are some things I want to say,

You’ve always had “my back”, and I know it’s time to repay;

You’ll always be my daybreak, through all of life’s dark clouds.

Your brother’s a Marine now, Brother; I promise I’ll make you proud.

If ever I go to war, my friends, we’ll never be apart.

Though we may not meet again, I’ll hold you in my heart.

Remember all the times we had, don’t let your memories cease.

Your friend’s a Marine now, dear friend, and I’ll die to bring you peace.

And When I go to Heaven, and I see that pearly gate,

I’ll gladly decline entrance, then stand by my post and wait.

I’m sorry sir, I can’t come in, I’m sort of in a bind.

You see I’m still a Marine sir, so I can’t leave a man behind.

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