Thursday, April 10, 2008



First of all, what is a spiritual guide and a familiar? In simple terms, a spiritual guide is a being that guides you though life. It can be of a human being, an animal, or something that closely represents yourself. Sometimes a spiritual guide is mistaken for a familiar. This is not true! It goes deeper than that. A familiar is something that anyone can see at any given time while only you and it has the knowledge of being your familiar. Also, a familiar is usually there to keep you from bodily harm and stupid decisions that could cause damage to your physical and mental self. Unlike a spiritual guide, a familiar relates to you in most aspects and there is a mind link as well. On the other hand, your familiar can be your spiritual guide as well. Most people will only go through life having one spiritual guide as well as a familiar. Being a special case though, I have more than one of each.Let's start with my spiritual guides which are also my Guardians/Protectors. I will not give names to them all due to "putting myself out there". Right then, the first one I have known about whom I have had since I was a little girl would be Dementrus Damian. He is, believe it or not, a dragon. He is one of the few left whose the son of the Father of all Dragons. He is average height of around seven feet, stands on two legs with black scales and long jeweled wings. He can become very moody and overly protected; he is not the type of creature I would like to deal with when you get him pissed off! Another would be an angelic figure, flesh and blood just like a human being just with black feathered wings. He is more gentle natured but deadly all the same. His innocent face and god-like body along with a sweet pure voice confuses a lot of people. Now for my familiars! Where to start is my question?! Let me start with Shadow. He is my first familiar and the "Leader". Shadow is a shade tiger meaning his real form is a black tiger that seems like mist, but he is able to take on any shape. There is also Little Ashe which is pretty much a smaller form of my inner wolf. Yes, he is a soot colour wolf with slightly powder white paws. The last one I shall mention is a female Ocelot whom I call Icey Veins due to her eyes which seem to pierce through everything she gazes upon. As you can tell, I have more males than females. ( Thinking to self: "Maybe this is why many mistake me for a guy?" v_v; )Well, I hope you enjoyed reading little on my spiritual guides and familiars. Until next time, Adieu!

1 comment:

Ravyn Night said...

I hope you understand I will hunt you down for using this as your own, Vantor, dear...