Friday, February 15, 2008

BUCURESTI POLITIA (Bucharest Police)

Our boys in blue......... The thin Blue line. What ever you wish to call it. The Politia Municipiului Bucuresti (The Bucuresti Municipal police) can rise to the occasion. Long known during the Ceausescu regime as evil enforcers, and years after the Revolution as corrupt. The Politia have now darned a new mask "PROFESSIONALISM". Pride in work and attention to fairness in the law are the ingredients that form the police of this generation. Traffic runs smoother, crime is down, and city dwellers sleep more soundly. This new face of the police might be stronger, younger, and perhaps healthier. However, don't let the chipper young officers boyish grin fool you. Highly trained but old prejudices die hard. Just don't admit to being Hungarian or a gypsie!

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