Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Games gone crazy or not? lol


Romanians In Space isn't just, well, Romanians in space. It apparently encourages players to carry out a war against ethnic Hungarians. According to game site GameSetWatch, the title's

slogan is

"Follow your destiny. Kill any non-Romanian alien prick in cold blood."

The story starts in 1988, when commie dictator Nicolae Ceausescu conquers America and becomes emperor of the Earth ten years later. (That's how it works, you know.) The Romanians dominate the planet and look to making the entire galaxy theirs. Unfortunately, "alien pricks" hinder these grand plans. This was all in good fun says the game's creator:
Out of ten missions, only one is against the ethnic Hungarians. Everything was a joke and it was meant to be a joke that mocks all the problems between Romanians and ethnic Hungarians.
The game's official site follows up that with these updates:
There seems to be a huge controversy regarding our soon-to-be-released game. We are in a FICTIONAL game, containing FICTIONAL storylines. Please leave your petty nationalism out of an otherwise fun game. We appreciate your views and issues on the matter, but please, let politicians handle them, not video games.... It seems the controversy is getting out of hand and some people are making themselves look stupid.

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