Saturday, January 26, 2008

Public good

According to the latest CIA report on weapons and readiness. The US government is far ahead of the rest of the world, with the exception of Great Britain.

Pound for pound in tactical and informational warfare units such as the Green Berets can out maneuver and out gun all of their foreign counterparts. However, from whence we came is our largest threat. Thank goodness the British are our allies. The Jan 2008 CIA report shows that unit for unit the US has a lot to learn from the British. The following is an example if we were to fight each other would we Win, Lose, or draw:

FBI/MI-5, US 0, GB 1

CIA/MI-6, US 0, GB 2

navy seals/ Royal marines, US 0, GB 3

delta force/ SAS, US 0, GB 4

Final score GB 4 US naught!

The British out gun us, in both technology and training. The British special forces are now assisting the Americans in their training of all special ops

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